Thursday, August 1, 2013

5 Back-to-School Tips for Moms

Friends, it is August 1st! Almost "that" time of year again. You may be having visions of yellow buses dancing in your head? You're looking for cheap school supplies, clipping coupons for paper towels and in disbelief that your baby is in what grade. As you're getting your little one ready for school, here's 5 back-to-school tips from my subbing adventures in an elementary school last spring. Benefits of each back-to-school tip are below.

 Benefits of "5 Back-to-School Tips for Moms"

Tip #1. Watch the Weather. A comfortable environment is necessary to learn. Be sure to dress your child in temperature appropriate clothing. Encourage your student to watch the weather and choose his/her own clothes for the next day. This task teaches correlation relating temperature to dressing. Remember: too hot or too cold = too distracted to learn.

Tip #2. Start a Book Fair Fund. Like now! Encourage your child to save $.25-$1.00 per week. This instills responsibility and discipline. I hate to see kids who don't have money to spend at the book fair. By the time the fair rolls into town, the piggy bank could have up to $10+ to spend as your child wishes without putting a strain on the weekly budget. Your child feels good about themselves buying fun items with their own money and you'll shine with proud rays when you see what they bought!

Tip #3. Pack a Light Jacket. A jacket insures your child won't get too cold. A jacket from home gives a level of comfort beyond just keeping kids warm. There are multiple uses for a jacket; as a pillow, a seat cushion, a blanket, an umbrella, money holders, etc.. Children get creative with jackets!

Tip #4. Eat a Non-sugary Breakfast. I made a mistake with me and my daughters. I never ate breakfast and neither did they. BIG mistake! HUGE mistake! I am now convinced that breakfast truly is the most important meal of the day. Chock it full of protein and minimize carbs. A good example is two pieces of bacon, scrambled eggs and a piece of toast with water or unsweet fruit juice.  I watch kids cram in a sugary lunch and crash, while the protein and fruit eaters are still going strong at the end of the day.

Tip #5. Get your child to do a "chore for more". This approach gets you some much needed help around the house and your child something "more". If he/she does a chore and does it well, pay them a buck for their work. Encourage them to use that buck on ice cream day at school. I hate to see kids who want ice cream but don't have money to buy one. Some days I think those ice cream machines are evil. I can imagine them sticking out their tongues at the kids who can't have one. Ugly picture!

What back-to-school tips do you have to add to this list? Leave me a comment and help others too!

Counting down the days,
The Happy Handicap


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