Ahhhh! Michael Buble's new album "To Be Loved"! Everyone wants to be loved. Sloane loves Michael Buble'. She bought the new album last week. The cover song "To Love Somebody" is a remake of the 1967 Barry Gibb song sung by The Bee Gees. Listen to it here. Listen to it 3 or 4 times, feel it! While I was listening to his version of the song, I felt what Barry Gibb wrote "I live and breathe for you". My heart melted and I couldn't hold back my tears. I'm so lucky, fortunate, blessed or whatever you want to call it to have someone that I love this much and he loves me, unconditionally. I don't have to be the prettiest or skinniest woman or have the longest legs. Know why? Because he loves me and I love him. I text him a little message that said "You don't know what it's like to love somebody the way I love you." He sweetly replied "I feel it every day. I love you!" He always knows what to say.
This week I still pondered the song. I imagined God saying to his people, each and every one of us, individually, "You don't know what it's like to love somebody the way I love you." What a thought! Jesus lives for us and gives us breath. He so loved us that he gave his only begotten son, John 3:16. The Bible speaks of "unfeigned" love. By definition, it's a love that is genuine, sincere, honest, true, real and unaffected. Do you have love like God? A love that is so genuine, so sincere, so honest and so real that it is unaffected by circumstance, anger or selfishness? A true love? The Bible isn't talking about a romantic love but rather unfeigned love for your fellow man. Now do you have it?
Feeling loved,
The Happy Handicap
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